Lionfish research in the Caribbean waters of Curaçao

In a lot of ways, deep reefs are understudied. Too deep for divers to reach and only accessible by submarines, this zone of ocean habitat is often overlooked. We spoke to SAFS master’s student, Sarah Yerrace, about her research focused on one thing in particular: lionfish.

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Small but mighty: studying cryptobenthic fishes on Tonga’s reefs

Swimming around tropical coral reefs in a colorful array are an ever-changing multitude of fishes, some in schools of hundreds, others in pairs, and ones that prefer their own company. These are the fishes divers see on a heathy coral reef, but they are often only half of the diversity found in the reef’s fishes. The “hidden half” are the cryptobenthic fishes.

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Two graduate students awarded SAFS DEIJ and Community Service Recognition Award

We are pleased to announce the recipients of the 2024 SAFS DEIJ and Community Service Recognition Award: Julia Indivero and Claire Vaage.

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A haven for research in the South Pacific: Tetiaroa

From microplastics to seabirds, and everything in between, Tetiaroa offers new insights on tropical ecosystems for UW Professors and researchers.

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Our faculty are committed leaders with broad academic expertise and interests. With access to a network of local, national and international leaders, we contribute influential research on topics ranging from organisms, populations, ecosystems, to human users of aquatic ecosystems.